Travel to Honolulu, Hawaii, United State Note I|美國夏威夷檀香山旅遊日誌-天氣 I|Cakewalk by Sylvia


Honolulu, USA


Wearing: EMODA skirt / Bikini from a beach wear shop in Tampa bay, Florida

This day came so fast. I was busy at school in Rhode Island, and then suddenly I arrived in Hawaii! And guess what, Jas and I we didn't even booked the hotel for the night we arrived (oh, yes). And if you are like us taking the flight from the mainland to Hawaii, make sure your airline serves some free in-flight meal, or you might want to prepare it by yourself (like me who doesn't really enjoy the in-flight meal), you cannot image 11 hours with no food only drinks on the plane!

When we landed, what welcomed us is the sign of "Welcome to Hawaii", and the familiar climate. The temperature and the humidity reminded us of Taiwan's climate. We just came from the snowy Rhode Island, this 20~30 degrees changed did not seem to influence us that much. It's just like we were back in Taiwan.

Hawaii is a paradise! I dreamed that there would have Hawaiian girls doing the Hula dance to welcome us, but it rained cats and dogs when we arrived. It repeated itself everyday, the dark clouds came from the mountain side in the afternoon, followed by the rains. Don't worry! It would not last long until the rainbow(s) shows up. It seems tell us don't stop exploring the beauty of Hawaii. It is like an everyday rainbow series, I finally know why Hawaii always associated with a rainbow sign.

One thing why Hawaii is known as Paradise- it is when you think things are going to end, the most wonderful part is still awaiting for you to explore!

Note I: No need to check the weather forecast (it is never accurate anyway). A local Hawaiian said they never do that. Put aside your phone, and just enjoy the nature of Hawaii!


一踏出機外熟悉的氣候馬上隨著 Welcome to Hawaii 的標誌迎面而來,阿,是臺灣!馬上脫口而出,轉頭跟姐姐討論,她兩年沒回臺灣都快忘了臺灣氣候,夏威夷的天氣與臺灣像極了,但又存在著很大的不同。雖然一下從還在下雪的羅德島轉換到熱呼呼的哈哇伊,這2~30度的差異卻因為對同是熱帶氣候的家鄉,讓我完全適應(不過我皮膚很容易過敏還是大過敏了),但就像遇到熟悉的老朋友一樣,興奮的心總是能忘了一切。




Photos all by myself

All content © Cakewalk by Sylvia
unless noted

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