Oahu, Hawaii Note II: Getting Around in Oahu by Bicycle|Travel|夏威夷歐胡島旅遊日誌II - 島內交通方式和路線 - 腳踏車篇
Oahu, USA
Wearing: Bikini from a beachwear shop in Tampa Bay, Florida / Dress from a street shop in Waikiki
There are plenty of ways you can get around in Oahu: cars, bikes, motorcycles, yachts, boats, helicopters...etc. If I have chance I do want to try riding a motorcycle, but I do not know how to ride it (maybe I will get a license for it). No matter which way you try, I believed it's good way. You can find the different surprises to explore Oahu in each ways.
Ridding bicycle means you can stop any time you want, or turn into a alley easily. You can also exploring your secret beach spots, or met a champion surfer. This is a completely free and ease way to explore the beauty of Oahu, besides it is a good way to do some workout after you enjoyed a big Hawaiian feast right? :p. My advice is only riding bicycle in the bike route. One of my local friend who is a fireman in North shore. He suggested it is not safe if you riding bicycle from south to north Oahu, because there has only one main road, and everyone drive fast in this small island.
*Note: My bike trail from “Ala Moana Beach Park” through "Diamond head" to "Whole Food Market (inside Kahala Mall)".
*Safe riding!
騎腳踏車能夠隨時想停、想彎進某條通往海邊的小路(你很容易遇到,畢竟是小海島),有的時候還會有意外的驚喜,發現無人沙灘,或是遇到衝浪冠軍。這是一種以很慢的速度但又能很深入的探索島上的美的一種方法,尤其當你品嘗很多夏威夷美食後,是一個好的運動。建議想騎單車的你,只騎在有腳踏車步道標示 (Bike Route) 的路上,為什麼呢?歐胡島只有一條主要道路,越往北路會越小跟山路的蜿蜒,車多外,大家的車速也很快,如果你想往北邊騎過去是“非常危險”的,我當地的朋友是消防員這樣建議著。
*我的單車路線:從「檀香山阿拉莫納海灘公園」繞過「鑽石頭山」到「Whole Foods Market (Kahala Mall裡的)」再從另一條走內路回家。這是我們討論過以比較安全的狀態最遠可以騎到的地方。
Photos all by myself and Jasmine
All content © Cakewalk by Sylvia Hsu
unless noted